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mk1 car wont start
al right what the hell my message keesp bouncing.......
anyways hwre it is im STUCK..i got fuel, plenty, i just swapped
rotor, cap, plugs and coil off a working car, still wont start just
turns over and over.
well hell i posted this at 5am this morning but
my message is nowhere to be seen, looks like it just dissapeared
i swapped fuel distributors from a 1986 8v scirocco into my 81s. the
plate was much bigger in the new one. everything hooked up OK, but do
i need to also add something else from the 86? fuel pressuire
regulator? warmup regulator? funky things near the 5th injector?
reason is the car wont start and gas is getting dumped in even with
the intake S pipe removed (i was checking for spark)any tipe is
apreciated i would really like to get this fuel dist to work, i'll
try to put a call into turbo tim as i know he used to race early
sciroccos but i'm sure hes prob too busy a man to bother with me.
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