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RE: Re: True Hp Gain? (engine mounts side note)
On a side note:
I would highly recommend putting in stiffer front & rear engine?tranny
(you'll probably get the front one with the exhaust from TT)
I pretty much have this setup. Except tri-y header and cam. Plus
resurfaced head for 9.5:1 CR. Never checked before vs. after HP so can't
say anything about gain, just that my baby is a whole lot funner to
drive. Anyway I found that after putting in the stiffer mounts, the
response was much more solid. (of course, both my front and rear were
totally shot, and I did both at the same time) Huge difference. Do it!!
BTW the Audi5K TB made a very noticable difference, in my case.
85 Scirocco (with soon-to-be-installed new springs & shocks)
> >
> > > Okay, this is the breakdown on the situation. I want
> > > to do the following to my exhaust system...
> > >
> > > A1 Euro GTI 4 into 2 exhaust manifold
> > > TT dual Downpipe (no cat)
> > > 2" Straight Pipe
> > > High flow Muffler
> > > K&N Air Filter
> > > Audi 5000 TB
> > >
> > > What will be the total HP gain from this?
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