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Re: Non AC Alternator pulley Q....
XBlueHen@aol.com wrote:
> I recently removed the AC from my MK1 rocco......The alternator pulley doesn't
> line up with the water pump pulley now.
I recently had the same problem on my MK I, and I discovered that the
proper parts are hard to come by. I finally solved it the old-fashioned
way; I had stuff welded.
What I did was find a spacer of the proper depth to slip behind the
pulley. Then I threaded the pulley nut on as far as it would go, and
had a friend weld it in place.
>>>>IF YOU DO THIS, HAVE THE ALTERNATOR TESTED BEFORE YOU FIRE UP THE CAR!!! It's possible for the welding process to reverse the fields in the alternator, which would cause MAJOR DAMAGE to your car's electricals. In my case, I made sure the ground from the welder was attached to the alternator pulley itself, not to the housing.
Good luck! It sure feels good to have that awful alternator/AC bracket
contraption out of there, doesn't it?
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