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Re: 91 GTI


>Actually, the Golf has the low compression small valve 1.8L as the GTI has
>the 10:1 compression / big valve motor.

After mid '89 ALL Golfs came with high compression big valve engines. The 
'90's GTi 8V models are rebadged glorified Golfs with neato seats and close 
ratio trannies. Thats it!! Dont waste your $$ on a '90's GTi it would bee 
dumb! If you want to get a '90's GTi (A2 of course in all reference here) 
get the 16V. Those things are junk (no prejudice against A2's or anything 
;)) If it's labeled GTi and doesnt havee rear disks then it isnt worht the 
extra $$ for a couple of 20$ badges! All of this is of course IMHO!

Chris DeLong
Seattle, WA USA
'80 16V Rag
'65 Bus (ugly, but good for campin' W/toaster oven)
'82 GLI (with a severely mangled trunk lock thanks to the fucking thieves!)
'80 'Vert
'61 17 Window
'78 Scirocco

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