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Re: Scirocco BBQ, Sac, Jan 8
I can't Go,
: (
Doug can not make the 1-8-00 trip. I will be moving on that day.
Update on the move: We found a place to rent for 1 year. It
has great parking!!! This was no easy thing to find! about 10 spaces out
(Hmm now I can get an 8v MK2 and build that MK1 16v too, Hmmm.)
2 car garage and room for toys. Kinda dumpy but it will due for now.
Looks like a Corrado is down the street too.
Have fun. I hope I can get back into the Scirocco list stuff soon.
BTW just put 185 60 14 Yok AVS intermediates on the MK1.
Wow, I love them!!! The car drives great. Sticks like glue!
If you can get them, get them. Still like D40 m2's too.
I would like to Auto-x on the 2nd if I can. Shawn do you know any details on
We should have a get together on the first ( ; O )---E---K and race on the
2nd. What do you think?
I hate moving!! I want to DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See you next year.
87 16v silver Scirocco "GTX"
81 8v red Scirocco "S"
90 16v 2.0 wht Passat wgn 5 speed
>On Fri, 10 Dec 1999 10:19:05 -0800 Kevin Collins <kevinc@flashcom.net>
>>Doug, Shawn, Jay, Potterpeople.. and anyone else I've missed.. sound
>>off on whether or not you can make it
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