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Re: Scirocco BBQ, Sac, Jan 8

> wow man,
> that's a long effin' way to go just for a BBQ! :)

****Your tellin me, but I'm shure if I can make it, it will be worth the drive
just to meet you guys and your cars. Normally I would say ( in my best cocky
voice ) "Won't be a long trip with the way I drive" but the last time I made a
trip thru northern CA I got a ticket about five miles out of Sacramento, and
lets just say I't was a large enough ticket to make me think twice about taking
it over 80 on that same trip again.

> it'll probably start around 11-noon, and go on for as long as everyone
> wants to stay.....
> Let me know if any of you  guys need a place to crash, I'm sure we
> can make some sort of arrangements...

****Whew, Thanks for sayin that, I didn't want to empose, I hate driving long
trips at night, and I don't know how many cheap motel stays I can afford in one
weekend, I would sleep in the Rocc but the last time I did that I couldn't
stand straight up all morning, and that was before I broke my back. But like I
said I dont know yet if I can come, but If I can and I leave early Saturday
morning (most likely) then I wont need to, I'll just do the cheap motel thing
that night, and get home sunday morning.BTW how many listies are coming so far?
just out of curiosity.

Hope I can make it,

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