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RE: Mk1 Scirocco with rear 16V

Yup, this car belongs to (and was built by) the son of the owner of Boss
Tuning, in Bothell, Washington.  It shows up at most all the
Seattle-area VW shows...  The first time I saw it, he was doing cookies
in the gravel parking lot of the Puyallup fairgrounds :-)

The coolest thing about it (IMO) is that he used the front windshield
from an aircooled Beetle to separate the engine compartment from the
passenger compartment... too cool!


> Hello ,
> I just found this on Sams site :
> a U.S. Scirocco Mk1 with 16 V engine in the rear !
> http://www.samworld.de/galeriesciheckmotor.htm
> I don't know WHY this modification was done, 
> looks like it was just for fun :)

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