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Regarding the 75 Rocco on Ebay
Well listers, looks like I can't afford this one, but I HIGHLY HIGHLY
reccomend someone buying this thing. I had my buddies dad go check it
out, and here is his reply:
Hi Eric,
This looks like a car you can get excited about. He told me that he a is
looking to get out of it what he has invested into it. I learned during
further discussions that he paid $200 for the car six years ago when he bought
it for the storage fees that the previous owner was unable to pay to a body
shop. He did not offer very much in the way of bragging points about where he
had invested money in this car, but did speak quite a lot about the painting.
He has painted the car a nice shade of light silver. and will also add that
the paint finish is really very good, but not perfect. I would allocate a
liberal $200.00 for materials to do the body work and preparation prior to and
including painting. He remarked that he would love to get $3,000 for the car
(I assume that is the market value of an average 1975 Scirroco?), but he
realizes that such a deal was not going to happen especially in the short time
frame that he has to sell the car. It is obvious that he has a space problem
with the six or more vehicles that are parked in his front yard, and the dune
buggy that is under construction and taking up his entire two car garage.
I know next to nothing about this auction process that takes place over the
Internet, nor do I have any feel for what this car's worth, but the impression
that I am getting tells me that you should be able to buy this car from him
for $$500 barring some aggressive bidding from someone else.
Here are some of the answers to your specific questions: I saw no rust behind
the front wheels. The rear axle mounts looked good. The Bondo in the
driver's side door and quarter panel looked like a good repair necessitated by
a minor parking lot accident. That was a decent repair with judicious
application of plastic, and you can see behind it now because the interior
door panels have remained in a box since the painting. The trunk floor and
passenger compartment floor appeared solid.
There is some superficial rust in the engine compartment, and a little bit
more around the rear speaker mounts, but I repeat this is really minor
corrosion. The front strut towers look to be in perfect condition . Three
of the four wheels are aluminum colored and the fourth is gold but the
castings match. The seats, most of the interior, and a spare dashboard are
include. I think the two worst things that I saw on the car were some rust
inside the doors at the very bottom seam. This rust has not perforated by is
presently still superficial. I would treat this with an application of naval
jelly or spray-on chrome cleaner (both of which contain phosphoric acid that
will convert the rust to a harmless material similar to paint primer). After
this is done, I would then spray some aerosol paint into the interiors of the
doors, then inject some waxoyl in or on all of those vulnerable seams. The
only other unsightly blemish is on the front hood, left leading edge. The
paint in this spot is bubbling from corrosion under the paint. It is
obviously repairable, but I kind of wish that he had done it before doing such
an otherwise fine job painting this car.
I have no indication of what kind of bids he is receiving, but I am very high
on this car if you can get it at the right price. Good luck, and do not
hesitate to let me know if I can be of any further help you.
Someone NEEDS to buy this thing!
ebay link to bid:
Link to the pics:
His reserve is $600, DAMN DAMN cheap for a sweetly painted rocco that
needs minimal work (My buddies dad was very impressed with the paint, 3
layers of clear on it)
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