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RE: OK it's my turn
When you turn the key, do you hear the "click" of the solenoid engaging.
If you do, then I think the starter is dead. But I doubt that you hear
the solenoid.
If the solenoid is not "click"ing then I can think of 2 reasons:
1. Solenoid dead (Less likely)
2. Current from ignition switch not getting to the solenoid.
To check solenoid, jump it like you said. I know you said you jumped it,
but are you sure you jumped it correctly? The only reason I ask is
because you said that you didn't hear the fuel pump come on. That
indicates that possibly your ignition switch stopped working. That would
give you the problems you described, but the solenoid should still
engage when jumped.
Unfortunately, I have never had the misfortune of having to jump the
solenoid, so I cannot offer any more details on the procedure to help
you out. Just look in the Bentley and study the connections real good.
Of course, you should also make sure that the battery connections are all
good. Just because you get 12V doesn't mean that there are solid
connections. The voltmeter takes almost no current, whereas the starter
takes a sh#tload.
85 Scirocco
pierre wrote:
>He everybody
>The car is running great, new battery new suspension, new timing
>(2000 km) and tonight, my wife come back from the hospital with
>rocco at 5 pm (she like the car) everything great. At 6 pm I rush
>to get
>the sushi order turn the key and.................nothing turn.
>starter won't turn (did not hear the fuel pump either) so first I
>the battery is dear along with the alternator but no the battery
>fully charged. So next I try the hammer on the starter technique.
>Nothing zip. So I got to the next step and I check the solenoid
>connecting a jumper between the battery and the ignition switch
>terminal if it is the solenoid that is at fault the starter
>should turn
>right? Still nothing so what do you folks think? Dead starter or
>I will play with it tomorrow and monday I guess it will be
>time!!! I know I know it could be 101 things....
>Thanks for your input
>Pierre Gravel 84
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