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Re: Av gas

--- Captnbr@aol.com wrote:
> hello all,
> I was wondering if anyone knew about using Av gas in
> cars.  Specifically 100 
> LL.
> I am saying this because 100 low lead is a hell of a lot
> cheaper than racing 
> fuel.  But will the lead content cause harm to the O2
> sensor or other parts 
> of the car even though it is a low amount of lead. 

100LL is kinda misleading because there still is a good bit
of lead in it.  (like 4 times as much as 80 octane avgas,
*if* you can find it)  I don't *think* you will hurt
anything by running it since your cat is gutted, but can't
say for sure.  When I used to mow grass at the local
airport I would often use 100LL in the tractor with no ill
effects. :)

Daun Yeagley
'79 Scirocco
'81 Rabbit Pickup 
'85 Scirocco 8v
'88 Scirocco 16v
There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."  - Dave Barry
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