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Re: NON rocco ???????

At 09:29 AM 8/4/99 -0400, jonas miller wrote:
>i need soem help form the northerns and west coast people
>anyone near the states of montana , north  adn south dakatoa, , or
>oregon, i am going on vacation on saturday to those places and was
>wonderign if anyone could tell me a good place to camp,  i got my camp
>sightes in montana and nd and sd butoregon is up inthe air.   we figure
>we are goignto hit the west coast since we will be in glacier and it is
>right next door...so any help would be appreacisted...we also might make
>the trip down the coast to sacremento to pick up route 50 to ocean city
>maryland for the home route so if anyone near by can throw out some info
>that would be greatly appreaciated

Campgrounds??????  Don't say that too loud out that way; they'll laugh at
you.  Whenever I camp out west we make our own camp.  All my friends out
there never have used a campground.  While there are some it seems to be a
more eastern US type of thinking.  

ps. Last time we camped out on the GrandCanyon north rim under the stars,
not tents, and no people in sight for 3 days.

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