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Cincinnati this fall?!?!

A number of you have asked if I was going to have another
list gathering this fall.  Well, I wasn't planning on it,
but something has come up that I figure would be a perfect
excuse.  The Cincinnati Volkswagen Club is holding their
"Bugfest" on Sunday September 26th.  Sooo...  I thought
that I'd invite any of you guys (and gals) that would like
to attend to my place for the "pre-show" on Friday evening
/ Saturday.

Here's the info that Greg forwarded me:

> September 26th
> 30+ classes
> $15.00, includes dash plaque and 2 admissions
> 8am registration
> 3pm awards (yeah right, more like 4 or 5! ;) )
> GE Park - just north of TriCounty Mall on Rt. 747
> The Porsche Club has been invited too, so there should be
> some nice Porsches
> there too :)

So if anyone's interested in coming to this, let me know!

Daun Yeagley
'79 Scirocco 
'85 Scirocco 8v
'88 Scirocco 16v
There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."  - Dave Barry
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