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Re: How to tell gear ratio of individual synchros ??

I don't know how to tell the syncro's apart, but in order to find gear ratio you count the number of teeth on the two gears that mesh together, then divide by each other.  For example, if one gear has 20 teeth and the other gear has 10 teeth, you have a 2.1 ratio
'87 16v Scirocco
and lots of other stuff
website - http://www.prod.net/jvanvuren/vw.htm
How do I know if I am looking at a 2.12 2nd synchro ?? I have to rebuild a tranny to replace my now blown-up tranny........and I have a 4k.......but the 2nd is shot in it. So, I need to be sure the the replacement gear is in fact the 2.12.      Any help is grrrrrrrrrrrreatly appreciated.
       Verne :
     '84 Wolfsburg 8v Roc
     '91 Passat GL (Wife's car)
     '97 Norco Lobos Comp (Full-susp)
     '89 Wicked Fat Chance...gone but not forgotten.
     '93 Scott Boulder
     http://www.skyia.com/~vwman/h2ovw.htm     <---my car and general pics
     http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Track/2830/   <---A1 pics only !!!!