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onward through the fog

Well I must say that 'roc'n the bay '99 was a huge success!  We need to do
more gatherings like this.  3 of us trekked up from SoCal, we'd hoped to 
have more, hopefully next time the Potterpeople, Shawn, Fry, Rayner, etc.,
will be able to make the trip.  Everybody hooked up Saturday afternoon
in Palo Alto, from there we took the awesome drive over route 84 from
Redwood City to San Gregorio.  In attendance were myself, Ian Overholt and
Doug Teulie (all from SoCal), TBerk, Mark Hausler, Jonas Karlsson, Norm
Tallant, TBerk's friend Al (new to the fold), plus Ian, Norm and TBerk each
had their squeeze close at hand.  There's no better woman than one who will
indulge her man's hobbies, and all 3 should be commended for coming along and
having a good time despite not being gearheads themselves.  There were 1 or 2 
more NorCals who I'm forgetting at the moment I believe.  From San Gregorio 
we turned right and wound up the coast and into The City.  We stopped at the 
beach, across from our eventual dinner destination, the Beach Chalet.  It was 
freakin' FREEZING up there!  Those of us (like myself) who neglected to bring 
a sweatshirt or jacket were truly dying out there.. it was prolly in the 
mid-50's, but if you haven't experienced an SF summer, you can't possibly 
know what it feels like.  From there we trekked over the Golden Gate bridge, 
underneath through the tunnel then up top to the Marin headlands.  We got 
some good group photos with the bridge in the background and enjoyed the 
awesome view of the bay, the Pacific ocean, and The City itself.  Then it was 
back over the bridgeto a great dinner featuring great local seafood and 
icrobrews.  Afterwards we gathered in the now-colder lot across the street 
and shot the shit aboutour cars, with Dick Wong's beatiful Mk1 getting by 
far the most attention.The other car that got a lot of attention all day was 
Norm Tallant's '86 Zender Scirocco, with the complete Zender factory

We SoCal boys crashed over at Hausler's place in Alameda (thanks again Mark!)
and didn't blow town till after 2pm on Sunday.  We still took the long way
home, down route 1 through Monterey.  This is one of THE premiere roads in
the country, and there's nothing like hammering down 1 through Big Sur,
standing on it in 2nd and 3rd and slaloming in and out of the awesome
twisties, hanging right over the Pacific ocean.  Truly awesome!  We took
our time getting back and didn't get in till shortly after midnight last
night.  There were tons of great photo ops and I've got about 100 pics
that I'll be posting on my page, possibly by later tonight.  We need to do
this again soon guys!  

A note on gas prices - sheee-it!  We paid as much as $1.999 for premium, in
more than one place in NorCal.  The cheapest price for premium anywhere on
the peninsula was in the low- to mid-$1.80 range.  By contrast, I just put
a tank of 76 premium in my car down here, NOT the cheapest brand around, 
and paid $1.499.. or half a buck less.  This is some serious bullshit!!
Better you than me however...    ;>

Ok, here's your trivia question: on what party device (vintage '70's) did
"onward through the fog" appear??  Hint: there was a glow in the dark 

Kevin Collins
'86.5 Scirocco 16V 2.0

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