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Re: WTB: Scirocco MkII sales brochures
"David K. Knox" wrote:
> Hi Folks, Does anyone have any sales brochures for the MkII Scirocco
> that they could be persuaded to part with? Any year would be fine, 16V
> brochures would be a real plus. I have some nice MkI brochures I might
> be willing to trade. Thank you.
There's a dude named Paul Helmbach who spams usenet mercilessly, selling
literature from lots of older cars, and he seems to have an extensive
VW inventory.. I have an '87 16V brochure I bought from him.. do a search
of usenet for his name and you'll find his website..
Kevin Collins
Huntington Beach, CA
'86.5 Scirocco 16V 2.0
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