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Re: Dismantling a 16v - what should I get?
HAHAHA - I must've deleted that one w/out reading
Dude - I have tossed the 8v 16v issue over and over in
my mind for MONTHS now... I basically decided that if
I want a 16v, I will buy a 16v. I mean, Sheeit, 80%
of the stuff I have done to my car can be pulled off &
slapped into a 16v (suspension, interior, etc.)
But I kinda dig the 8v for now... I had a balls-to-the
wall machine, and I just got a few too many tickets in
it.. 88 tbird turbo - 190hp, and like 2100lb curb
weight - I scared myself a lot in that car
'Sides, If it has too much power I will go into
culture shock when I get behind the wheel of my van...
But then again, all my decisions are allowed to change
at any given moment.
--- Zach Vrooman <zach@discover-net.net> wrote:
> -snip-
> What parts should I get offa them for my 8v?
> (neal's reply):
> How 'bout the engine? ;-)
> zach's reply:
> Neal, he said he wanted parts for his 8v, not a boat
> anchor!! :-)
> zach
> 82 8v
> 86 8v(see a pattern?)
> all in good fun, of course....
> Zach
> http://www.discover-net.net/~zach/index.html
> 'Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in
> the process he does not
> become a monster'
> -Fredrich Nietzsche
> ----------
> > From: Neal Tovsen <ntovsen@piper.hamline.edu>
> > To: 'Mark Mages' <wasserbox@yahoo.com>; Scirocco-L
> (E-mail)
> <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> > Subject: RE: Dismantling a 16v - what should I
> get?
> > Date: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 2:26 PM
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> > my 8v?
> >
> > > Brakes? anything?
> >
> > Yup. 4 wheel disc brakes are cool to have if you
> want them. There has
> been
> > some debate as to whether it really is a big
> increase in performance, but
> if
> > you're getting them for almost free, I'd say go
> for it!
> >
> > Neal
> >
> >
> > --
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87 Westfalia Gl
84 Scirocco 8v
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