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Re: Now Not One Yet Again....
I'm really trying not to despair... I got myself all worked up on
getting that car; it had all the good stuff already done to it! I need
a Scirocco, a cool Scirocco, right away. It seems like all cars I've
seen in the California listings either aren't 16V or are 16V's with no
mods. That might seem kind of uptight, but since I have no technical
talent with cars, and I currently am needing any sort of wheels, and I'm
not really able to have the car in a shop time after time getting cool
stuff done to it, that my only choice is to find one already finished.
As soon as I send tis e-mail, I'll do a web search on ClubH2O. I've
never heard of it before, but judging from the name it seems to be a
step in the right direction.
> Do not despair!
> There is really an ass-load of sciroccos still out
> there... especially out there in Cali. Start talking
> to your local ClubH20 chapter, pestering people on the
> list..
>From her description of what's left, I'm led to believe that everything
is cool except for the missing stuff. If I can actually get some info
from those AAA fools that confirms that, I'm definitely ready for the 6
hour trek to SoCal to check it out! Especially if it's available for a
reasonable price..... your HO is my HO there!
> OR - buy the shell cheap, given that it didn't get
> wrecked when stolen & the engine didn't get toasted -
> it'd definitely be worth it, cause you could get it
> for like $500, and spend $1k replacing the stolen
> goodies... you are up $3500 at that point! Definitely
> worth looking into... IMHO
I'll keep you all informed as events warrant!
All the best,
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