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Re: Dying vinyl
If you go down to your local peep-boys, they have a
vinyl spray-dye called something like molecue-bond -
it actually changes the color of the vinyl, not just a
coat on top. It is good stuff - a friend of mine
re-did his CJ-5 top with it, and it has held up for a
couple years without fading.
--- SNixon5523@aol.com wrote:
> As usual, I ignored a post that had relevance to my
> project, so sorry about
> the rehash. Didn't someone post a while ago about
> dying their rear interior
> panels black? What was the outcome of this? After
> looking at the panels
> from the 81 I'm building and the panels from the 81
> that is the donor, I like
> the donor panels but they're red and I need black.
> So whomever it was, or
> anyone that can help, please email me with info and
> details.
> TIA,
> Stewart
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84 Scirocco 8v
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