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Re: EVIL WINDS ARE A BLOWIN' - You May Already know this!

yes folks,

this is unfortunately very true.
My laptop was infected with this very virus, and I had to send it back to
the manufacturer to have the BIOS replaced.

And then, I come into work this morning to discover that I know longer have
a hard drive on my PC.  I lost basically all of the information that I need
be able to work properly.  Needless to say, I am a very unhappy camper right
now, especially since I am on some POS PC temporarily.

So, those of you that I have been emailing with off list for what ever
reason, please
send me an email as I probably no longer have your addresses.

I think I'm being punished for almost buying a cabriolet this weekend for my
daily driver.

at least my roc is running..... :-(

Alex Ting
Account Mananger
Millennium Solutions Group, Inc.
575 Menlo Dr. #4
Rocklin, CA  95765

Phone:  888.801.2001 ext. 228 or 916.630.2001
Fax:  916.630.2000
email:  alex@millenniumsolutions.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Toughill <toughil@bellatlantic.net>
To: scirocco-l <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Cc: Volkswagen Scirocco <my_scirocco@yahoo.com>; Scott F. Williams
<sfwilliams@worldnet.att.net>; Rodger Reinhardt <jdoode@yahoo.com>; Peter
Walsh <cerksies@hotmail.com>; PC Handyman <pchandyman@earthlink.net>; Neal
Tovsen <ntovsen@piper.hamline.edu>; Michael Leach <scirocco16v_1@yahoo.com>;
Mersinger <mersinge@erol.com>; Maurice De Vidts <corrado@moon.jic.com>;
Kurtis Daniels <alder1@nycap.rr.com>; Kevin Collins <kevinc@flashcom.net>;
Kathy Teulie <104372.1061@compuserve.com>; JPeeples
<jpeeples@esl.entex.com>; Jonas Karlsson <jkarlsso@metabolex.com>; Joel
Applegate <racer357@usa.net>; invomax <email@invomax.com>; Eva Pfister
<evahooo@aol.com>; daphne adams <mleach807@yahoo.com>; Dan
<dan@angband.org>; Captain <captainleebill@msn>; Brett Van Sprewenburg
<brett@netacc.net>; Alex Ting <alex@millenniumsolutions.net>;
Date: Sunday, April 25, 1999 9:02 PM
Subject: Fw: EVIL WINDS ARE A BLOWIN' - You May Already know this!

>-----Original Message-----
>From: James T. Peeples <jtpeeples@worldnet.att.net>
>To: James T. Peeples <jtpeeples@worldnet.att.net>; Marc D'Agusto
><marcjd@highergroundstudios.com>; Carla M. Santizo <csantizop@hotmail.com>;
>Alex Azan <azan@home.com>; Craig McGill <craig.mcgill@msnbc.com>; Joseph L.
>Peeples <APhasElec@aol.com>; John P. Peeples <Peeples_J@Tre.State.NJ.US>;
>John Lucs <JLUCS@peddie.org>; Kevin Bolden <Kevin.Bolden@worldnet.att.net>;
>Michael Anthony Miller <mammiller@worldnet.att.net>; Sandy Cobuzio
><DJTOONZ@aol.com>; Scott Monetti <smonetti@worldnet.att.net>; Walter Brooks
><uwally@prodigy.net>; Steve M. Toughill <Toughil@bellatlantic.net>; Jeff
>McLaughlin <nortonmurphy@earthlink.net>; Jennifer Lambert
><jalambert@erols.com>; John (Jay) Seidle <jay_seidle@ml.com>
>Cc: Yomesh Patel <yomeshpatel@hotmail.com>; Scott and Melissa
><SMZJD@aol.com>; Russ Wills <rwills@highergroundstudios.com>; Paula Wilson
><paula.wilson@bms.com>; Pat Weitz <WEITZ7076@worldnet.att.net>; Lynn
>Schreffler <Schrefflerl@pt.cyanamid.com>; Les Peters
><lespeters@cheerful.com>; Kelly Ganges <kg42day@aol.com>; Jennifer A Cherry
><jcherry762@juno.com>; Jacqueline Lainez <5lainez@stu.jmls.edu>; Geoff
>Simpson <simpson14@juno.com>; Eric Baroni <teacherochs@hotmail.com>; Donna
>Smith <Donna.Smith@state.ma.us>; Dion McArthur <dmcarthur@cableregina.com>;
>Dennis Rue <denrue@aol.com>; Dawn Golden <dgolden@dttus.com>; Dave Schaefer
><DSCHAEFER@web-it-show.com>; Carol Rogers <Rogersc@ufrsd.k12.nj.us>; Carol
>Wolicki <cwolicki@chrys.com>; Carla Logan <clogan@highlandsamrel.com>;
>Banks <BBanks5858@aol.com>; Bob Kokesh <Rkokeshqto@aol.com>; Angela Gaymon
><Angela.Gaymon@mci.com>; Amei Geldreich <ameidgeldreich@hotmail.com>; Bob
>Anderson <pbsz66a@prodigy.com>; Centro de Estudios
><colegio.continental@starnet.net.gt>; Cheryl Taylor <catnhat413@aol.com>;
>Eric Jon Rightmyer <fool2@voicenet.com>; Linda Joy Truscinski
><ltruz@mtsd.k12.nj.us>; Mark David Heavener <mdheavener@juno.com>; Megumi
>Abiko <ELFIECHAN@aol.com>; Paula Wilson <paula.wilson@bms.com>; Seth Paulus
><sethicus@hotmail.com>; Simon Martin <simon@pericom-usa.com>; Stephen
>Heinzel-Nelson <atownpres@earthlink.net>; Sue Mika <SYunk@aol.com>; Trude
>Poland <tru214ever@aol.com>; Valerie Kerrigan <WldIrsRose@aol.com>; Reggie
>Hallett <rhallet@sprynet.com>
>Date: Sunday, April 25, 1999 9:46 AM
>Subject: RE: EVIL WINDS ARE A BLOWIN' - You May Already know this!
>>I got a message from Megumi asking about WIN95 users. What I did not post
>>my original message was that the MAJOR to avoid this and MOST other major
>>virus scares is to NEVER run an attachment that "Someone You Do Not Know"
>>sends. Also take GREAT care in which floppies you use. MOST virus problems
>>are caused by people executing things from email OR using data disks from
>>others or from work.
>>The NIA site is said to be busy and unreachable, this is possible in
>>of monday's coming. I would not try to get there during Peak hours (try
>>or early). The "evaluation" version of the Virus Scan product is over
>>in size which will take som time across slower links. I estimate 1hr+ at
>>28.8 so keep this in mind especially if your ISP is of the quality that
>>kicks you off after 10 minutes of inactivity. Bummer to be close to a DL
>>lose the line because someone want so increase profits - Sorr, I rant at
>>this hour of the morning.
>>I don't know if this link will work without filling out the script but you
>>are free to try it -
>>I tried this link externally and was successful so try it!!!
>>Really, there is some advice posted on the NAI site -
>>Stay off the machine on Monday, Disable Flash BIOS, ...
>>Again, best to watch what you get and where it comes from. Watch out for
>>what you extract. NO ONE YET has developed/released a Java Script based
>>virus that will run when you open an email message (It's only a matter of
>>time!) - Best to disable Java and Java Scritp at most turns in the road
>>ONLY enable it when you need this function. This means the only way to get
>>virus unless you allow it in.
>>Take Care!
>>This PC Scanned with Mcafee software before sending
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: James T. Peeples [mailto:jtpeeples@worldnet.att.net]
>>> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 1999 1:37 AM
>>> To: Marc D'Agusto; Carla M. Santizo; Alex Azan; Craig McGill; Joseph L.
>>> Peeples; John P. Peeples; John Lucs; Kevin Bolden; Michael Anthony
>>> Miller; Sandy Cobuzio; Scott Monetti; Walter Brooks; Steve M. Toughill;
>>> Jeff McLaughlin; Jennifer Lambert; John (Jay) Seidle
>>> Cc: Yomesh Patel; Scott and Melissa; Russ Wills; Paula Wilson; Pat
>>> Weitz; Lynn Schreffler; Les Peters; Kelly Ganges; Jennifer A Cherry;
>>> Jacqueline Lainez; Geoff Simpson; Eric Baroni; Donna Smith; Dion
>>> McArthur; Dennis Rue; Dawn Golden; Dave Schaefer; Carol Rogers; Carol
>>> Wolicki; Carla Logan; Bruce Banks; Bob Kokesh; Angela Gaymon; Amei
>>> Geldreich; Bob Anderson; Centro de Estudios; Cheryl Taylor; Eric Jon
>>> Rightmyer; Linda Joy Truscinski; Mark David Heavener; Megumi Abiko;
>>> Paula Wilson; Seth Paulus; Simon Martin; Stephen Heinzel-Nelson; Sue
>>> Mika; Trude Poland; Valerie Kerrigan; Reggie Hallett
>>> Subject: EVIL WINDS ARE A BLOWIN' - You May Already know this!
>>> HI-HO SPORTS FANS! (As My Sister Would Say)
>>> BTW [One of my Brothers with her address Please forward this to
>>> her, Thanks! Also send me her email address as well, Thanks again!].
>>> CIH Virus to Strike on April 26th and will Wreak Havoc on
>>> Unprotected Systems.
>>> http://www.avertlabs.com/public/datafiles/valerts/vinfo/CIHVirusKe
>>> yPoints2.asp
>>> IF YOU ARE A MAC (OR NON PC/Microsoft User) IGNORE IT!
>>> Here's what I did to help avoid these problems (WIN 98 Users this
>>> is mostly for you!)-
>>> Disable the current Virus Scan from memory TOTALLY. [WIN98] You
>>> SHOULD have a Red/White/Blue Shield in the tray at the bottom
>>> right of the screen. Disable ALL functions in there and disable
>>> this ENTIRELY. The Shield on the task bar SHOULD go away when you
>>> do this (APPLY  / OK to EVERYTHING). If you leave any of it
>>> running you will PROBABLY get a Sharing Violation or Access
>>> Denied (DOS 32 and 5 errors I think) and you will NOT be able to
>>> copy these files over the ones already on the PC.
>>> Copy the attached file to the following location -
>>>    C:\Program Files\Plus!\Viruscan\
>>> i.e.  FILE SAVE AS .... C:\Program Files\Plus!\Viruscan\HRLYDATS.ZIP
>>> Unzip and extract these files into that folder (C:\Program
>>> Files\Plus!\Viruscan\). It will (SHOULD!)update your Windows 98
>>> Virus Scan to the latest and protect you from the CIH April 26,
>>> 1999 Virus attack! Once these are copied in then rerun -
>>> C:\Program Files\Plus!\Viruscan\vshwin32.exe (START RUN ...)
>>> This SHOULD re-enable and restart VSHIELD and start Scanning your
>>> PC again to be sure you are CURRENTLY Clean.
>>> Follow whatever the Nice Virus Policeman Tells you IF it says you
>>> have a VIRUS!
>>> This is the latest "Hourly Dat File from www.nai.com - Mcaffee's
>>> site. WIN 98 ships with the version 3.x of Vscan/Shield. IF you
>>> have upgraded to a later version this file WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU!
>>> Go to the site and Download the appropriate definitions for your
>>> release. I do have the 4.x upgrade on ZIP disk if any one needs
>>> that as well. IF you are not sure, right click on that Shield on
>>> the task bar FIRST and check the version (HELP/ABOUT). WIN98
>>> SEEMS to ship with Engine Version 3.1.6, Definitions Dates MAY
>>> vary! Contact me or someone else you know who can help you if you
>>> don't understand.
>>> For my NT friends, please contact me and I'll provide you with
>>> what I have there as well. For starters though, PLEASE check the
>>> www.nai.com site for information on this VERY DEADLY virus. If
>>> you are NOT running 98 w/Plus Folder (or 95) then get the free
>>> version from their site for now and worry about purchasing it or
>>> updating it AFTER this big scare is over.
>>> Any Questions email me ASAP.
>>> IF YOU ARE A MAC (OR NON PC/Microsoft User) IGNORE IT!
>>> SEE ATTACHMENTS - These were scanned locally BEFORE sending!
>>> Sent April 24, 1999 - Please Circulate until April 26, 1999
>>> (After that, check the site (http://WWW.NAI.COM) and PRAY that it
>>> did not get you before YOU got this!)
>>> PEACE,
>>> James

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