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Advice needed!
I'm getting ready to rebuild an engine, and am wanting to get some input on
a couple of subjects. I'd prefer to do a lot of these little projects all
at once, for obvious reasons...
The first topic is regarding head gaskets
I saw some head gaskets that would increase the compression ratio of a JH
engine from 8.6:1 to 9.4:1. Is this worth anything? What kind of HP
increase would I potentially be looking at? Also, does this mean I'm going
to need special head bolts since it's a thinner gasket, or will stock
length work fine? What will this do to me in the detonation department?
As I understand it, when you start pushing 9.5:1 you need a knock sensor...
can I just run super and get by OK? Finally, does this gasket have any
reliability problems? i.e., am I at more of a risk for having the head
gasket blow or anything?
The next topic is on lightened flywheels
I called Potterman today, and he said he could get me a lightened 210mm
flywheel. My car currently has a 190... wouldn't a lightened 190mm
flywheel weigh less than a lightened 210mm? I suppose it's possible that
the 210 could weigh less, using different materials, casting, etc, but does
anyone have an authoritative figure on this? How much do the 190 and 210
weigh? From what I understand, the 190 is suitable up to about 150HP with
a stock clutch, so if I don't plan on building an engine that puts out more
than that and the 190 weighs less, it's seems like a lightened 190 would be
the way to go... and if I find that the 190 with a stock clutch isn't
cutting it, I can always through on a stiffer clutch... right?
Finally, does anyone have a source for getting pistons, crank, and rods
balanced? Or, at least, an approximate cost that I could expect to pay?
This is something that I would really like to do, as I feel it would really
help the "revability" of the engine. I have dreams of just blipping the
throttle while sitting at a red light and intimidating the people next to
me... hehe... I'm sick, I know :)
BTW, does anyone know what happened to the mailing list archives?...
they're like.... GONE!?!?
Any help is appreciated!
-David LeDeaux, CNA
'80 Scirocco
(Yes, I broke down and got one)
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