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Re: Brake-bleeding
Bentley confirmation: RR, RL, FR, FL. Left and Right being as you are
sitting in the car.
[ Read through the whole thing 1st, there are ideas that relate to both
procedures mixed in the draining and bleeding parts. ]
To Change Fluid:
Attach hoses to the bleeder valves to direct fluid to catch containers.
Open the LR & RF bleeder valves and pump the pedal until flow ceases.
Open RR & LF and pump pedal until fluid ceases.
Close all bleeder valves.
Fill fluid reservoir with new, unused brake fluid that meets SAE J 1703
and conforms to Standard 116 DOT 3, ( or better). Don't mix in silicon,
your car won't like it.
Fill the container.
Take the dust cap of the Right Rear bleeder valve. Slip a 4 mm hose over
Put the other end in a glass jar, partially filled with fluid. (This is
to prevent back wash of air back up the line.). You'll want to be able
to see the bubbles.
Open the bleeder valve a half turn. (Presoaking with Liquid Wrench is a
real good idea.)
Have helper slowly press the brake pedal until it reaches the floor and
have them keep it there while you close the valve.
Have your helper slowly release the pedal until it comes completely up.
Repeat the procedure until no more air bubbles come from the tube.
Move on to the other wheels in the same order Rears Right, Left and then
Fronts Right, Left.
Stop periodically to refill the reservoir.
Slow push, Hold.
Slow Lift.
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