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Re: [Mk1] Won't start...Vaccum problem?
> Hmmm, well if you want to keep your AC I am not sure which lines
>you shouldnt pull. As far as trying to fix it by keeping the lines,
>I would go through and make sure they are all seated properly. If
>you have a Bentely, it should show how your vaccuum should be setup.
Ehh.. I'm gonna toss it in a couple months with my 16v engine finds
its way in there...
Ok, it DID start for a little while. It started with a bang. The band
was one of the vaccum lines popping out of the rubber line. Where it
popped out was between the "two-way valve" and the intake manifold.
With the dangling line out, it would stall if I plugged the line going
into the intake. It would also stall if I sucked on the line going
into the two-way.. Does this mean the two-way is clogged, or maybe the
thing before the two-way is busted.
The reason I wanna try and nail this sucker down before I go out
buying every little part possible is my wallet is very VERY thin.
>just realized something. CHeck to see if you have your Idle screw in
>there. My car wouldnt start without the idle screw.
Yeah, it's there.. =(
Hehe.. thanks for your continuing help, Andre.
'81 Scirocco
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