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Re: Stock guard on 86 16v
CAPTIANBR@aol.com wrote:
> Every time I go through puddles, I loose power steering and the Alt. and ox
> light go on and I am assuming water is getting on all of the belts. My
> question is did the car come with a bottom end splash guard to protect the
> belts and everything from getting wet? Because if they did, I don't have one
> and I need one, And If they didn't, well then I've got nothin els to say.
> Brian 86 16v
Your on target but VW didn't get around to fixing this until the A2
The answer is an after factory splash shield that prevents the soaking
that happens under full load conditions.
Weather one can be grafted to the A1 chassis is only a matter of your
own imagination.
Go for it and report back.
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