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Re: Guess what IT WAS MY SCHOOL ...(non- rocco)
U know what makes me sick....people who have no idea what it might be like
to be picked on...people who could not even understand how something like
this could happen.....let me beat the hell out of you everyday for years and
see if you still have common sense. I am not justifying what these kids did
but it is nothing that has not crossed my mind a time or two...
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Maione <scirocco_16v@yahoo.com>
To: Mark Madison <markie@proaxis.com>
Cc: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 1999 12:07 PM
Subject: RE: Guess what IT WAS MY SCHOOL ...(non- rocco)
> > BAH!
> > You will never understand what can make a person do
> > such a thing.
> I think more of the fact is that these punk ass kids
> don't know what they're doing. They probably don't
> realize when they're shooting people, they are
> actually trying to kill them! Maybe too much movies,
> maybe a disturbed childhood... Who knows? One girl was
> shot in the chest 9 TIMES!! These guys were sicko's!
> And they could of gotten away with it easily. All they
> would have to do is take off the masks and coats and
> pretend they were students. Did you see the size of
> that school? It was huge! Well it's good that they
> didn't get away, and they got what they deserved.
> Because if they hadn't shot themselves, I hope one of
> those SWAT team guy would of!
> In this case, you don't know where these people get
> they're ideas from. If you quote Scream "Movies don't
> create psychopath's, movie's make psychopath's more
> creative" this could be it, but if it's happend before
> and it happend now, It could very well possible happen
> again. When they show this stuff on TV, just gives
> people ideas. =p
> Stupid little bastards have no idea what the hell
> they're doing and now I hope people are pissing on
> thier graves! (Harsh, but called for!) Makes me sick!
> ===
> Paul Maione (Rump Rocker)
> Scirocco 86' 8v (Ready to Roll :)
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/9149/
> E-Mail - mmaion@po-pox.mcgill.ca
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