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Re: time for a real car
In what? Hockey? Socialized Healthcare reform? Your
weak-ass dollar? when you took all of our undesirables
during viet-nam (<cough> clinton<cough>)
Just because we never sent any of our competent
generals up there to bring you into the fold where you
belong, you think you won a victory?
You just watch out - our master plan is to thouroughly
corrupt all these mediocre performers that you keep
shipping over here, then we will send them back and
undermine your whole governmental system - Just wait
til Alannis Morrisette is governor of Quebec and Jim
Carrey is in parliament. Then we will supply all your
youth with guns, it'll be unsafe to walk the streets
there, you will lose the will to fight... oh yes -
manifest destiny will be realised!!
heheh - sorry - got a little carried away..
damn canucks... :)
I'm stilll trying to figure out how I can afford to
move up there.....
--- Owen <mr.peepers@home.com> wrote:
> Yes, thats what you'd like to think isn't it......
> we did it once, we can do
> it again ;-) HAHA
> Owen
> 87 Scirocco 16v #38 C-SS.
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/1571
> >HAHAHAHA...you are Crazy if you think that Canada
> would ever have enough
> >power to invade the good ole US of A.....
> >
> >Now, put the crack pipe down, and slowly back away
> >
> >Eric
> >
> >
> >On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Owen wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Yeah you just wait boy, the canadian invasion
> force is training its
> forces
> >> right now....just wait. you guys better start
> learning 'Oh Canada',
> forget
> >> that stars and stripes stuff....
> >>
> >> Owen (Crazy Canuck ID # 200348193302)
> >> 87 Scirocco 16v #38 C-SS.
> >> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/1571
> --
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87 Westfalia Gl
84 Scirocco 8v
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