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RE: Spax Sux too
--- Neal Tovsen <ntovsen@piper.hamline.edu> wrote:
> Don't do the Spax!!
Right on Neal - Spax Sux! A local VR6 Corrado owner purchased Spax for the
rear of his baby a few years back. The shocks were already leaking when he
had them installed!! The shocks never fit into the upper mounts properly and
rattled until he sold the car - of course, he LOVED those shocks. We never
could get a bad word from him about them. Of course, this is the guy who
bought a Mercedes 190 16v and didn't rev it over 4000 rpms for fear of hurting
the engine!!
Matthew Yip
'87 GTi 16v :)
'88 M5
'99 F350
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