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Re: You know what? [amendment]
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 07:17:04 -0700 (PDT) Mark Mages <wasserbox@yahoo.com>
>ummm... not to sound like an ass or anything, but if
>you had those kind of major problems with plugs on one
>car, why did you put the same things on another?
Good question. Well, when it happened to the GLi about 6 months ago, that
set of plugs had already been used in another VW for about 6-8 months
prior to that. So i chalked it up to it just being really old plugs and
since it was only ONE spark plug that failed, figured it was just a fluke
of some kind.
So when I did my last tune up I installed the same plug and the previous
failure wasn't even a thought.
>I'd definitely call the company, and harass them until
>they cough up something... at least a free t-shirt..
>especially if the plugs were recommended for use in
>your cars.
Well, id like to know why they failed like they did. Ive only heard of
the Bosch Platinum's having the center electrode fall out of the things
like this.
Ive been told that the heat range needed to be colder and That's why they
failed but this is the right plug for this motor. I dunno. Maybe I can
get some answers from the manufacturer in a year or so.
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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