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Re: Guess what IT WAS MY SCHOOL ...(non- rocco)
<< Isn't that the 4th this year in the US or
something? What is this world coming to, anyway? >>
Yes, it was the third or fourth. One in Moses Lake, Washington near
me. One in Springfield, Oregon at my friend's school, and now this in
Colorado. It's completely fucked up.
<< <harsh commentary mode ON>
Be prepared for another lawsuit against the entertainment industry. Maybe
it'll be Marlyn Manson this time instead of Judas Priest, eh? Ugh. Makes me
sick. Maybe we should sue the parents for raising demented kids instead...
<harsh commentary mode OFF> >>
Yeah, on the news they were saying that all of the boys that have committed
these crimes were into the gothic music scene, wore black("gothic dress"),
and trench coats. I'm sorry, but not everyone who listens to goth/industrial
or wears a trench coat is going to be packing a fucking gun. Ah, don't you
love stereotypes.
Okay, that's all I have to say. I'll go back into my lil' corner and be
quiet now.
84 8v Scirocco
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