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Re: Warranties

If you really want to go after Bosch for their plugs, start by checking the
Bosch warranty regarding the plugs.  Chances are that it's worded very
carefully to keep them from paying for any "damage" that can't be directly
linked to a plug failure.  In the case of the broken electrode, Bosch will
force you to prove that the failure is related to the plug - in other words,
the failure didn't happen due to poor engine tune or mishandling (read
dropping) of the plug prior to installation.  

I know I sound like the Grinch that stole Christmas (actually he's one of my
heros), BUT that's the legal reality.  I'm not a lawyer (otherwise I'd have to
kill myself) but my former crew chief IS and this is what I've gleaned from
his legal knowledge.  
Matthew Yip

'87 GTi 16v :)
'88 M5
'99 F350
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