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Re: transaxle-need help
Hmmm well hard to say if you're doing the right thing. This isn't really a
common trans problem that I know of. Where is the puddle coming from? Find
out where the transmission is leaking... describe what the kind of clanking
noise is in more detail... is it always reproduceable? Does it happen just
occasionally or all the time? Is it rhythmic? Does it vary with vehicle
You may have a completely different problem altogether - doesn't sound
like typical transmission problems to me. Lots of them leak. Have you
checked the oil level?
'84 GTI
'87 QSW
Slink wrote:
> I am in the process of taking out my transaxle and putting in another. I
> would like to know whether or not if the action I'm taking is the
> correct one. First, I am getting noise from the trans (like a clanking
> sound) that at the beginning used to be heard only when the car was in
> gear and moving (it wasn't heard when the car was moving when my foot
> was on the clutch ,or when the car was stationary), but now sound can be
> heard here and there. Second, there's a oil puddle (facing the front of
> the engine) around the left side of the engine. What I would like to
> know is there anything else that I missing that would insure that my car
> would be driveable after swapping in the transaxle.
> note: before I had this problem I couldn't shift out of 5th gear.
> Slink
> 85 scirocco wolfburg ed
> --
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