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Re: lower stress bars
--- John Erk <john.erk@sympatico.ca> wrote:
> I have been told to add a lower stress bar first(like the 16v has) then the
> upper.If this is true, should I go for the lower 4 point , lower 2 point? >
Which brand should I consider? What about the upper?Neuspeed style(4 pick up >
points) or Autotech aluminum?
For a lower stress bar, go with anything that is the 4 point (triangulated)
style - from what I recall, Techtonics sells one identical to the OE VW
version. The Neuspeed version is a two point which is almost worthless. As
for an upper bar, there is a great deal of controversy about which is better.
If you're ever goint to camber plates, go with the Neuspeed bar since it uses
the OE upper strut bearing studs, the Autotech version surrounds the bearing
housing and probably won't work with camber plates.
Matthew Yip
'87 GTi 16v :)
'88 M5
'99 F350
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