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Re: You know what? [amendment]
At 10:16 PM 4/19/99 EDT, you wrote:
>So I get to work today and decide to do a compression test in the #3
>since it had the bad plug. I pull the #3 and its got 110lbs. I decide,
>hell, im here so why not check all of them. I pull the #4 plug. GAWD DAMN
>IT! The center electrode is missing! Pull the #2 plug, GAWD DAMN IT! The
>center electrode is missing in that one too! WTF! Bosch Silbers SUCK! 3
>plugs with no center electrodes and it RAN? Cripes. Like I said, it ran
>good at WOT but getting going in first gear was kinda sucky early in the
>AM. Once it was warm it was ok. (Must be the Nology's pumping suck a hot
>ass spark that it jumped the 1/8 gap...)
Naah, the Nologys won't increase the voltage at the plugs. To jump a larger
gap, you just need more voltage, which the stock coil can supply. All the
Nology wires will do is store a little bit of the energy prior to the plug
firing, and then release it once the plug has fired.
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