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All This Testin' Goin' On!
Hey guys.
Once again the list was down due to server problems. Numerous power
outtages ended up in a couple corrupted partitions.
I counted something like 19 messages "testing" to see if the list was up.
(Including responses to the tests). I don't want to be a poop, but that
seems a bit excessive -- gauging from complaints I've received from other
list members. Remember, there are about 260 people on this list, and any
test you send out will go (if not immediately, hehe) to each and every one
of these people.
If there is a problem with the list, it most likely means that there are
other problems on the server which runs the list as well
(http://www.neubayern.net), and can trust that someone is working on the
problem in some capacity.
I understand the concern of keeping on top of any problems, and to that
end, how is this suggestion: If something seems screwy with the list
(you're not getting messages, your messages aren't getting through), toss
an email to scirocco-l-probs@scirocco.org. This will probably be the
fastest way to draw attention to any problems.
93 Scirocco3 :-) (Just ask Night Shadow, he can vouch for me!)
-- --
Christopher Mende h: 719.963.0082
www.neubayern.net o: 719.262.1022
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If you experience other problems, email: scirocco-l-probs@scirocco.org