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charging system adventures(little long)
Hey, just writing to tell you how the 2.0 16v is doing.
I got it running Tuesday night, and it is OK but doesn't like to run real
smooth for the first few seconds I think the valve timing might be off. That
brings me to the title of this post, the next morning I go to start my new
engine to show the guys at work! No go the battery seems to be dead. So
later that day we get the trusty S-10 lined up to try to jump it, and after
many minutes trying we have success. Well, any way the next couple of days
are spent between the battery charge and jumper cables. Last night I
rearranged all sorts of wires and did the wire loom thing too make it pretty.
Didn't see any thing out of place but the problem is still there I am only
getting the low end of 12 volts out of the car while it is running. So I
figure when I get off work today I will try a different alternator or the
voltage regulator from an 8v alternator I have laying around. So I round up
the 2 spare alternators I have and take a look and they both look good. So I
look at the one in the car and there is no damn voltage regulator in it.
Holy Shit! I say to myself, was I really that tired Tuesday night? So I
install the right regulator and it starts and runs a lot better. Who
would've thought!
Josh Lukasik
88 16v 2.0 (finally)
only mildly retarded
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