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Re: Driving without a Insrument Cluster
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If the "Idiot Light", the one that tells of problems with the Charging
circuit, the one that runs the car and charges the light, if it fails to
indicate a good conditian then you are running things off the battery &
as promised all hell will break loose if they dont get things as they
Mark Madison wrote:
> Oh, it will run ... that's for sure.
> there's something to do with the charging circuit though.
> if you don't have a good charge on your battery or you drive the
> car very far (long time) it will most likely drain your battery.
> just what I've heard.. never experienced though.
> mark m.
> At 06:05 PM 4/15/99 -0700, smiley pie wrote:
> >Hey dude,
> >my car runs without the cluster. I ran it that way for three days while I
> changed the lighting and soldered the regulator.
> >c-ya, david gray
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: Volkswagen Scirocco <my_scirocco@yahoo.com>
> >>To: Alex Ting <alex@millenniumsolutions.net>, Mark Mages
> <wasserbox@yahoo.com>
> >>CC: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
> >>Subject: Re: Driving without a Insrument Cluster
> >>Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 14:42:24 -0700 (PDT)
> >>
> >>I don't think our cars will run without the
> >>instrument cluster.
> >>
> >>Wasn't this a topic a while back?
> >>
> >>Brett would probably know for sure though.
> >>
> >>Lee
> >>
> >>--- Alex Ting <alex@millenniumsolutions.net> wrote:
> >>> >BTW - that is what you get for talking smack about
> >>> >8valves.... :)
> >>> Hear, Hear!
> >>> bad karma for the 16valvers...... :-P
> >>>
> >>> on and related rocco stuff:
> >>>
> >>> Does anyone know if the car will run with the
> >>> instrument cluster disconnected?
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