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Re: Fw: April 30 - Don't buy GAS - the Local Angle
My dad once worked on a scientific research project which was trying to prove
that global warming existed... over a long term basis, had nothing to do with
recent pollution. They were trying to do so by studying the migration of
animals... the idea was that if the world was getting colder, then animals
that lived in colder climates would be gradually moving south, and if the
world was getting warmer then the opposite would be happening (animals that
were suited to warmer climates would be moving gradually north). They gathered
lots of data on where fossils were found and when, etc. When all was said and
done, they found that both was happening - animals that were suited to colder
climates were gradually moving south, and animals that were suited to warmer
climates were moving north. Well, that didn't prove anything at all that
related to what the point of the study originally was. They had to show the
people that sponsored them that they had found something useful with all of
their money, so they just threw out half the data and reported the other half
- the reported that the world was getting warmer, because it fit with the head
of the study's view of the world. My dad was a bit disinclined to believe
scientific studies after that. Not saying that all studies are like this, but
just keep in mind that this was a Harvard University project and was published
in well-respected journals, etc... scary.
So don't believe all that you read. Who knows what's true?
-Josiah (BTW, I hate cats too... they cut down on my gas mileage and
power, and they're just a PITA. I don't really know if they fuck up the
environment or not, but until I can find somebody who can convince me that
they do, I'll continue to not have them on my cars... legally, in my state,
cars before '85 anyway)
Night Shadow wrote:
> I have to agree with Jennifer on this one, but the thing that bugs me the
> most is emissions laws. Anyone that has studied climatology will know
> that the CO2 content in our atmosphere is much much lower than at almost
> any point in earth's history. Yet, environmentalists are concerned that
> we are causing "Global Warming" by increasing the CO2 content of our
> atmosphere. This is bull, CO2 is a greenhouse gas, which holds heat in at
> night (it blocks the long wave raditaion of the earth at night). However,
> current studies show that the CO2 content in the atmosphere already blocks
> all the radiation, of a particular wavelength that CO2 can block. So,
> this means that if we add more CO2, NOTHING will happen! You see, all this
> mumbo jumbo about global temperature increases? Guess what, those are
> averages, on ONLY night time temperatures have increased! Day time
> temperature averages have stayed the EXACT same! Most progressive
> climatologists today even attribute these night time temperature increases
> to urbanization...you see, the temperature taking stations that were set
> up 50-100 years ago, where probably out in the middle of nowhere, but now
> cities and towns have cropped up around these temperature taking stations.
> And as most people know, asphalt and buildings absorb and retain more heat
> that plain ole dirt does, causeing an increase in night time temps....
> Just food for thought all....especially since catalytic coverters put out
> Sulfer monoxide....which does have potential to cause changes....
> Eric
> (Catalytic converter hating bastard)
> --
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