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sun roof
..i have the motor from a passat and the switch from the 96 jetta.....i
am trying to figure out where to put everything and how to hide it
....any suggestions
looking forward in antisapation to the starting of my rocco....i am
still waiting althoughit seems forever it will be mostlikly monday
tuesday before she see's the road...the girl has not seen daylight in
almost 1.5 years.....she will be almost mechanically new ..te only ting
leftis th ebottom end and I have secured a desiel short block for 100
...my head is sitting pretty waiing to meet its mate...the block is
waiting to have surguryon tht epistons and i am waiting for my girl to
scream again....and no it is not the ex she is long gone....= |
....oh well anyway that is the update ...and the head looks soooooo
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