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Re: My car is invisible

--- Joshua Strait <joshua13s@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Is it just me or do people not see our cars???  I swear, ever since I 
> traded my Golf for the Scirocco I have a bulls-eye painted on me.  
> Countless times people have ignored me, cut me off, or tried to get me 
> to T-bone them because they pulled out in front of me.  

Try driving a 6100 lb, 7' tall diesel pickup truck - they do it to me all the
time, especially when I'm pulling a trailer.  Funny, that hardly happens when
I'm driving my BMW (black w/blackout trim) though.  

As for an air horn, Imparts used to have a special on Hella air horns - $25. 
i don't know if they're still that cheap but they're a good horn - 2 small
trumpets and a small compressor.  They sound much like a Ferrari horn - high
pitched and LOUD!!
Matthew Yip

'87 GTi 16v :)
'88 M5
'99 F350
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