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Re: [gti-vr6] insurance cost - GTI GLX
Nfe100@aol.com wrote:
> Thanks for your input...I think I'll be switching outta Allstate and look at
> State Farm. I keep hearing they are cheaper.
..and the service they provide, should you ever need them, is FAR superior
by all accounts.
I've only had one claim myself in 14 years - my '85 GTI was screwdrivered
into in broad daylight, and my killer Kenwood deck was brutally ripped from
the dash. I took it to their drive-in claims center, where they did their
own estimate for the body damage, called their stereo subcontractor for
the value of my deck and for the repair of the dash, and whammo, cut me
a check ON THE SPOT. And a generous one at that.
Kevin Collins
Huntington Beach, CA
'86.5 Scirocco 16V 2.0
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