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Re: grounds
Kurtis Daniels wrote:
> today i checked the resistance from the negative terminal on the battery to
> the point where the ground cable attached the the chassis....got a whopping
> 45 ohms...that's a little high...so what are my choices on rectifying this?
> whole new cable, or just clean up terminal and area around it and coat with
> some dielectric grease or something?
> thanks
> kurt
> 82 scirocco (2)
> 90 corrado
Cleaning the contacts will get you to the store were you might want o
buy a new one.
THey don't cost that much, maybe $4-12 bucks or so. Most stores carry
the cheesy kind so don't buy one from there unless it fits just right
length wise and such.
ND makes some Massive MoFo wires you might want to check out, or you
could roll your own.
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- References:
- grounds
- From: Kurtis Daniels <alder1@nycap.rr.com>