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Re: Need another scirocco in a desperate way
Tough luck. So long as the engine wasn't damaged, it may be repairable - not
necessarily cost effective but repairable. A buddy rolled a MB race car into
a small ball - rather than total the car, they chopped the roof and dropped on
Be prepared to do battle however - your car had several negatives in the eyes
of any insurance company - namely, you devalued the car by adding bolt-on
accessories. I'm not kidding - an acquaintance rolled his 993 into a ball and
fought the insurance company for 3 months to convince them that Fiskes ($550
each) are MORE VALUABLE than the OE rims.
Any particular flavor of Scirocco that you're looking for?
Matthew Yip
'87 GTi 16v :)
'88 M5
'99 F350
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