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Re: 8V power questions...
On Sat, 13 Mar 1999 07:35:43 -0800 the-mad-bastard@home.com writes:
>i cannot _wait_ for the cinci trip. we are going to take over the
>roads, and i'll see to it that the 16V is the head of the pack. any8
>care to take this throne away? it's here for the taking ;)
>the instigatin' bastard
You ever notice that Jason the Mad Bastard does alot of this? You ever
notice that Jason the Mad Bastard has never been seen driving a car by an
american? You ever notice that Jason the Mad Bastard wasnt one of the
people who went to jail in NY? You ever notice that Jason the Mad Bastard
is good at instigating stuff and in fact was responsible for those
arrests? You ever notice that Jason the Mad Bastard has not earned any
throne yet he offers a challenge for anyone to take his throne away? You
ever notice that Jason the Mad Bastard is just A_MAD_BASTARD? You ever
notice that Jason the Mad Bastard makes people sound like a combo
of_ANDY_ROONEY and JAMES_T._KIRK when replying to him?
Shawn out.
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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