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RE: Fw: April 30 - Don't buy GAS - the Local Angle
In our lifetimes?
Whoah! Dunno about that one.
That's a LONG time, probably fifty years, or so for me.. (I'm 26).
I'll tell you though, I agree that the oil companies have a stronghold on
EVERYTHING... but.... Its getting to the point now that prices will
Keep going up in order to battle the reduction of supply as well as the ever
Popular population problem. More use of gas causes a shorter supply which
Does cause the price to go up.. (yes, I too took economics.)
I was generalizing of course there... I wasn't exactly serious when I said
Just decided to cut production.. but it SEEMS that they did with the
Increase of gas prices.. I know the price has to go up.. but so damned much
So quickly? SHEEESH!
I'm in Oregon.. prices of gas aren't much different here than they are in
I'm just pissed at raising prices at all.. I love to drive my car(s)..
I'm a poor college student right now and to fill up costing $8-9 more
Per tank pisses me off.. that's 3 beers at the local pub.... OR a 12 pack
At the market!
Rocco content:
Who can give me estimates on how much the paid for their paint jobs
And what was included with that.
Mark M.
85 8v Scirocco
85 8v GTI
8valves and loving it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo [mailto:majord@neubayern.net] On Behalf Of Mark Mages
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 1999 1:56 PM
To: Mark Madison; scirocco-l@scirocco.org
Subject: RE: Fw: April 30 - Don't buy GAS - the Local Angle
Allright - you asked for it
> But yay (monotone), the general public gets charged
> a fortune so that they
> can pay you peanuts?
well, not exactly peanuts, but I know what you mean
> Hhmmmm. How many Billions of dollars more will they
> pull in this year from
> the current jump in prices? And how much is your
> cut?
my cut - .000000001% probably... I am probably a few
zeros short
> I've got a question for you, Why do prices go up
> when production of gas
> goes down? I mean, if they're not making as much...
> I would see that as
> LESS work for some people in the industry. Where
> does all the gas come from
> then?
That is kinda a tricky question - Gas prices are
primarily determined by OPEC - they control 55% + of
the world market for oil, therefore they set the
prices. Opec has very strict controls on which
member-nations produce what amount of the total % of
crude that is shipped. for the last few years a
couple "renegade" nations have been over-producing (by
about 2 million barrels a day)and selling on the grey
market. OPEC keeps it's controls to try and keep the
suppy, demand and in effect prices constant, and when
there is that much overproduction the market is
flooded. When supply outweighs demand, prices drop -
basic economic theory. When supply goes down, and
demand is constant prices go up.
As to why we pay so much less than other countries,
well, if you believe that it doesn't have to do with
the way the US runs off to war every time someone in
the mideast gets in trouble, I have some waterfront
property by ElPaso I'd like to unload...
> Dunno, shrug.... I know that there are probably
> viable answers to these
> questions.. but it just doesn't make any sense.
> I mean. Prices of gasoline (until three weeks ago)
> were the cheapest they
> have ever been (inflation adjusted of course)...
> I think its ludicrous that
> someone can just say... aaaaah... we'll cut
> production of gasoline, so now
> we'll jack the price up 100-175%.
They didn't Just decide to cut prices on a whim -
there have been very severe talks going on for the
last year to try and get the members to quit
overproducing. I'm nt sure if threats of war were
involved, but those countries are very touchy about
oil. There is a large segement of the market that has
been very screwed up for the last couple years because
of oil prices...
The major increase for you (assuming you are in CA)
really is due to the refineries. It might not REALLY
have affected it, but it hit at the same time OPEC
finally got it's shit together. Therefore, instead of
seeing a 10-15% increase, you jumped 100%
> WTF is that?
> Looks like I need to switch majors and figure out a
> way to run my car off of
> water.... But then, water prices would get jacked
> up 100-175% too.
Actually, there is a guy in AZ who has been developing
a H20 powered engine for years, and has quite a few
working models.
Painful truth time - There is SO much money in oil.
>From crude to cars to planes to EVERYTHING - The
people who produce and depend on oil to keep their
business going have SO much money in it, that we will
never see any other kind of vehicle in our lifetimes.
Sure there is better, more efficient forms of power,
but the oil/car industry has such a stranglehold on
the world's economy, that this technology will not be
implemented until we run out of oil. Period. I mean,
you will have your scattering of electric autos, but
marketing & political power will thouroughly ensure
that the gasoline combustion engine is around for a
long time.
I'll shut up now.
87 Westfalia Gl
84 Scirocco 8v
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