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Re: need help with brakes
On Mon, 12 Apr 1999 14:54:30 -0600 "Owen" <mr.peepers@home.com> wrote:
>Hmm, as for cleaning, you have a few options. If you have a blasting
>cabinet (or have a friend with one), you can bead blast or sand blast the
>calipers...that really works well, but you can also take a wire brush or
>wheel to them and that'll work too
I just wire-brushed mine.
>Anyone else have any paint ideas that will stand up to the heat of brake
I used high-temp engine paint. I took the caliper completely off the car and
cleaned it up, and painted it (kept paint off the piston as much as possible).
Of course, you must be careful putting it back on not to slop brake fluid on
it, since brake fluid loves to dissolve paint.....mmph.
| Jim Jarrett,CCP |
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