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SV: Important New Rim Offset
The height and stiffness of a tire is very different between
brands. My BF goodrich 205/40-16 was softer sidewalls than my
Pirelli 205/45-16. At that time I only had money to change to
tires and since my 45 height was rubbing hevaly in back I wanted
lower profile. I tested and put the 40 profile both front and
back and they where softer. Rims where 7,5*16 with 35mm ET, back
rims spaced out 3mm to avoid to much rubbing against coil. With
spacer the rubbed equal inside and outside. Car is nice lowered,
my 195/45-15 I have now are tire top slightly under wheel arc.
Roland Johansson
Scirocco 1,6l TIC -82
Från: DaleWitt <Dalewitt@express-news.net>
Till: Shannon Fenton <sfenton@telegroup.com>; Scirocco List
Ämne: Re: Important New Rim Offset
Datum: den 13 april 1999 04:49
38mm will work fine but are you sure you want to go with 40
series 16s? I am running
proxies 2054016s and believe it to be the worst set up I have
ever used. Against
advice from many people I went with the 40s instead of 45s and
it was a BIG mistake
as far as I am concerned. Not enough flex and set slightly
lower than stock specs
whiich throws off the speedo and rpms. The 40s work great on
17s but on 16s you
would be a lot happier with the 45s. My wheels are 16x7.5 with
a 35mm offset. I have
1/2 inch spacers in rear and a 2 inch drop all around.
86 2.0 16v rocco
82 2.1 16v rocco (zender 400/NOS)
> Its that time of year again (tax refund) and I am picking out
new rims. I
> missed out last year due to a shortage of TR Motorsports
Typhoons but I have
> found a
> rim I like better. But it comes in 16x7.0 and in a 38MM
offset. I know the
> optimal for our cars is 40mm but will a 38 work? They will be
> 205/40/ZR16 Yok
> A520's. Also the Typhoons come only in a 35MM offset and 7.0
wide. Thanks. BTW
> Im running a stock suspension for now and here are the below
URLs so tell me
> what you think.
> 11
> -2
> ph
> oon
> Thank You for Your Time,
> Shannon Fenton
> North American Frontline Resolution
> sfenton@telegroup.com
> --
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