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Re: need help with brakes
Engine paint? Just an idea... I'm trying it on my rear drums, so I'll see. Maybe
drums don't get as hot as calipers.. I guess they shouldn't.
Owen wrote:
> Hmm, as for cleaning, you have a few options. If you have a blasting
> cabinet (or have a friend with one), you can bead blast or sand blast the
> calipers...that really works well, but you can also take a wire brush or
> wheel to them and that'll work too, but a little more time consuming. As
> for painting them, I was told Krylon works well and lasts really long, but i
> just finished painting mine with Krylon, and i don't think it'll hold up as
> well as I thought it would. For my first set of calipers, i used a folia
> tec caliper painting kit that i picked up in Europe, and that worked really
> well, but is expensive here in North America.
> Anyone else have any paint ideas that will stand up to the heat of brake
> calipers?
> Owen
> 87 Scirocco 16v #38 C-SS.
> http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/1571
> >Hi I am Mike Leach I live in good old Rochester with Brett and I have
> >an 87 16v that I am just starting to give the attention it deserves in
> >the garage
> >
> >
> > anyway can I get a little info on how i should go about cleaning my
> >calipers and getting them painted
> >
> >
> >Thanks Mike Leach
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