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Re: Rear disk Brakes & Snow Belt location
I'm from NH and my QSW killed it's rear calipers this winter. (same calipers
as the 16v Scirocco, as far as I know). I've never been tempted to change
over to discs because
1) the drums are cheaper and easier to maintain
2) the drums work more reliably and
3) I've never needed more braking than I have
I might perhaps upgrade to 10.1" brakes someday, but I really am very
impressed with the stock brakes on my GTI. Replacing one of the rear drums
this weekend with a brand new one really improved the brake feel (the old
one was really scored and so worn down that the adjusters couldn't adjust
far enough to make up for it). My other drum is like that, too, so hopefully
when I replace it as well my brakes will feel great.
The pads really make a huge difference, in my experience, but I've never
had vented discs overheat on me... maybe I'm not driving hard enough or
something... and I can lock up my brakes whenever I want, so I don't see the
need for bigger, more expensive brakes. Although my 9.4" rotors look kindof
silly behind my 15" wheels : )
T Berk wrote:
> Been hearing a lot as we move into spring time about frozen, locked,
> burning itself to death rear brakes- Mostly disks, right?
> I wonder if it isn't more common in the Snow, Salted roads places than
> sunny locales like 'Califas' & Florida.
> Pondering minds want to know, prior to hunting and converting earlier
> models.
> tia,
> TBerk
> Trying to get back to the point.
> --
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