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odd stalling problem - need some help
My beloved '81 Rocco which has been running without a hint of problem
for the good 8 months I've owned her suddenly developed an odd
characteristic this morning.
I started her up (with a little coaxing as usual... giving it gas.. I
know it's injected, but it usually helps) and instantly died. Stalled.
Without a fight. No sputtering. I tried it a few more times. Same
thing happened.
I thought it was a fluke, so I backed out of my driveway and got a few
houses down while struggling to keep the car running.
Provided my foot was on the gas, it ran. As soon as my foot left the
pedal to coast or idle, it dies really fast, and the happy little
relays click.
The car has always been kind of a pain to start in the morning,
especially cold ones. Usually has a rough idle (500rpm) for 5 minutes
until it evens out to a smooth 900rpm.
I've been told it could be something as simple a fuel filter.
Summary: It dies if your foot isn't on the pedal. Dies quick. Doesn't
sputter or choke.
Any ideas?
'88 Oldsmobile Delta 88 (the fam's backup car when the rocco dies!)
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