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Re: Waterfest Hotel for Scirocco list
heh, heh, heh..
Ill show up, too.
we'll all get shitty.
Nuthin like wakin up early to go to VW shows with yer best hangover
face on...
Id invite ya all over, too... but my Girlfriend fears the unfamiliar.
58 Type1 Ragtop
84 Jetta uGLi
>From: "Scott F. Williams" <sfwilliams@worldnet.att.net>
>Hey, for alla y'all outta towners who wish to sleep fer cheap, my
offer is out on
>the table again to crash at my pad. I live emmm, maybe 40 miles away
from the new
>location? I'll be judging again this year, get ready to bribe me
with Sam Adams
>or any decent microbrewed fare.
>Rich Deede wrote:
>> FairField? ok I'm gonna make my reservations first thing tomorrow.
>Scott F. Williams
>NJ Scirocco nut
>SCCA ProRally driver
>Hotrod Rabbit GTi
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