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Re: Anyone? [let's get rational]
At 1:49 pm -0700 8/4/99, JESSICA YOUNG wrote:
>First Of All ( FAG BOY),
By the way, I think a lot of OTHER people on this list need to chill out.
If Jessica was guilty of misinterpreting this post, then so am I. We're
not mind readers, and if TBerk's humor is so obtuse that only people who
really know him "get it", you can't blame us for jumping to the wrong
Here's why:
>>1st of all, it's from a female. Scirocco driving females are rare, OK? I
>>think the few in existence have been gobbled up already. :) In my case I
>>am attempting to convert a Toyota driver to the fold.
>>2nd, She's asking if anyone is located in SD. <cough, cough> Only the
>>Cleanest, Baddest, Smoovest, Scirocco in creation, that's all. Must be a
>>Government Sting. Look out "Chuck".
I read these two points and I'm left thinking either TBerk is trying to hit
on Jessica, or else he's trying to get Meze to hook up with her. Who the
fuck is "Chuck". Even assuming this is an inside joke, 99% of the people
on the list aren't going to know WTF TBerk is talking about here.
I don't blame her for taking this the wrong way. I'd be on guard 24/7 too
if I was the only girl on an all-male mailing list about cars.
>>3rd is the offer of Turbo for VW equipment. Hrmph. As if.
>>This whole thing smacks of one of those Police stings to catch warrant
>>jumpers. Prob. going to show up on next year's X-Files season ender
>>cliff hanger. Bad boys, bad boys. Watcha' gonna do?
>>Hrmph & hrmph again. Can't fool me.
There's no humor here either. No smileys, no nothing.
Oh, and BTW, whoever made that bullshit crack about needing some Midol
deserves a kick in the teeth. :P
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- References:
- Re: Anyone?
- From: "JESSICA YOUNG" <jay-kicrocs@worldnet.att.net>